Long, long ago there were seven suns in the sky. Their rays made the earth so hot that human beings couldn’t bear it. So, the seven brothers belonging to a tribe called the Munda decided to kill the suns. They shot arrows at them and were able to kill six of the suns. The seventh …
As per tradition, gold was mined near the origin of this river at a village named Piska near Ranchi. This is why it was named Subarnarekha, meaning “streak of gold”. Legend has it that traces of gold were found in the river bed. Even now, people look for traces of gold particles in its sandy …
Mena, a Gurjar woman of surpassing beauty who hailed from Gadh Mandav, was happily married to Chandio, Chief of a warrior tribe of shepherds. After marriage she was ceremoniously taken to Gadh Gokul, her husband’s home, escorted by her husband’s younger brother, Hirio, for whom she had a special fondness. Mena was accorded a warm …
Larima Fog is generally seen everywhere in Tripura and in other parts of the north-eastern region of India during autumn, the dewy and the winter season. The density of fog in this region becomes maximum during December and January . Over the bushy dingles in the eastern hilly part of Tripura thick fog looks like …