Illustration by Amrapali Das Source: USC Digital Folklore Archives
Source: The Northeastern Travel Blog Illustration: Amrapali Das
Source: Green Pearls of India: Tracing the roots of sacred trees by V. Sundararaju Illustration: Amrapali Das
So the husband left for the land of the gods with a spring in his step. “What brings you here young man?” the gods asked as he appeared in front of them. “I am looking for seeds to plant in the clearing I have made in the forest,” said the man. The gods reminded him …
Illustration by Amrapali Das Folktale source: The Mythology Project
That day onwards, the brother remained curiously gloomy and disturbed, lost in thoughts, refusing to eat well, unable to sleep well. Seeing him torn, his parents were worried out of their wits. Because he just would not reveal what sorrows burdened him. And it went on and on until one day, his grandmother could not …
Tales from Tripura: Chethuang (The Chhatim Tree) Read More »
They started walking together. Soon they reached the edge of the stream but they could not figure out how to cross the stream. At last, the grass suggested I would lie across the stream from this end to the other and both of you can walk over me one by one. The coal and the …
Illustration by Amrapali Das
Illustration by Amrapali Source: ‘A girl swallowed by a tree’ by Nzanmongi Jasmine Patton
As the couple looked on, the boy went over to the pond near the pastures and stretched down by the pond. He lapped up the water from the pond just like an animal would. The Banjara pointed this to the Banjaran and remarked that it showed the boy’s character as a shepherd. Not quite sure …
Tales from Rajasthan: The Banjaran and the Shepherd Read More »