We all know Ganesha as “Ekdanta”
But ever wondered, Why?
“Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
GururDevo Maheshwaraha
Guru Sakshat ParaBrahma
Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha”
After the end of the revenge war, in which Lord Parashurama killed King Karttabijyarjun, who cheated his father Sage Jamadagna and killed him later, Parasurama was applauded by all the lords of Brahmaloka. Brahma reminded him that he should now go to Kailash to offer his gratitude to his guru, Lord Shiva who blessed him with several boons and taught him as a guru to use the weapons which Shiva gave him as a boon.
Brahma said that someone who teaches devotion and mantra is the supreme friend. Someone who gives knowledge and by whose grace we can learn about God, is the best friend and greatly intimate. Therefore, we should never forget our Gurus after our pride of achievement. Accordingly, Parasurama made his way to Kailash.
When he reached there, he was intervened on the way by Lord Ganesha. Ganesha stopped him from entering the main door to meet Lord Shiva, who was engaged with his meditation. But Parasurama couldn’t stand this and out of his anger threatened him to attack. Ganesha reminded him that attacking Guru’s son is also like attacking the Guru. However, nothing could prevent Parasurama from making his attacks on Ganesha with his different weapons but Ganesha was too strong to stop these attacks. Ultimately, Parasurama used the infallible “Pashupatastra”, which was identified by Ganesha as Lord Shiva’s weapon given to Parasurama as a boon. To prevent the destructive effect of the Pashupatastra, Ganesha forwarded his left teeth and it was removed from his body and felt on the ground. Thus, Ganesha is known by the name “Ekdanta”.
Illustration by Amrapali